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Hess Catering, Inc.

1 River and St. John Sts. 

Schuylkill Haven, PA 17972             

(570) 385-3578 ° FAX (570) 385-2560

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Hess Catering has a variety of plans available for any type of Outdoor Event!

Click here for Traditional Picnics


Clams served with Hot butter, Lemon & Crackers

Choice of Two Sides Cole Slaw - Tossed Salad - Potato Salad - Pepper Cabbage - Macaroni Salad

Clam Bake Menu Includes: Baked Potato - Roll - Butter - Corn on the Cob - Fresh Fruit

Accompanied with your choice of the following:

1 dozen Clams 1-1/2 dozen Clams 2 Dozen Clams
1/2 BBQ Chicken   Call for Price  
6oz Lobster Tail Market Call for Price *****
1 doz Steamed Shrimp Market Call for Price *****
Two Pork Chops   Call for Price  
Grilled Sirloin Steak   Call for Price  

Just Clams (served with Hot Butter, Lemon & Craclers) 

1 Dozen  
1 1/2 Dozen Call for Price
2 Dozen  

Prices based on 50 people.

All Prices Add 6% Sales Tax and 18% Gratuity - Child pricing does not apply. Prices subject to change due to market conditions. Guaranteed prices available 2 weeks prior to event.


Hole In One

Lunch & Dinner Package

Hole In One Lunch menu Includes:

Hamburgers - Cheeseburgers - Hot Dogs - Potato Salad - Bean Soup or Clam Chowder - Chips - Pretzels - Rolls - Mustard - Ketchup - Relish - Sliced Tomato - Lettuce - Sliced Cheese - Sliced & Chopped Onions - Paper Products

Hole In One Dinner Menu Includes:

New York Strip Steak - Baked Potato - Tossed Green Salad - Corn on the Cob - Roll - Butter - Chinette Plate & Tableware - Assorted Fruit Tray - Steak Sauce
25-49 Persons 50-99 Persons 100 & Up
Call for Price Call for Price Call for Price


Sand Trap Buffet

Choice of Entrees:

Top Round of Beef - Baked Ham - Roast Turkey - Baked Chicken - Sausage - Halupki - Meatballs

Choice of Three Vegetables:

Corn - Peas - Green Beans - Bread or Potato Filling - Mashed Potatoes - Scalloped Potatoes - Rice Pilaf

Choice of Two Salads:

Tossed Green Salad - Fruit Salad - Cole Slaw - Lettuce with Hot Bacon Dressing - Pasta Salad

Choice of One Dessert:

Cake - Pie - Ice Cream


Sand Trap Buffet Menu Also Includes: Relish Tray, Rolls, Butter, Coffee, Chinette Plates and Tableware.

25-49 Persons 50-99 Persons 100 & Up
TWO Entrees   Call for Price  
THREE Entrees Call for Price   Call for Price

Shot Gun Buffet (Breakfast)

Choice of Two: Ham - Bacon - Sausage - Corned Beef Hash

Choice of Two: Scrambled Eggs - Hot Cakes - French Toast - Creamed Chipped Beef on Toast 

                           Sausage Gravy with Biscuits


Choice of One: Orange Juice - Tomato Juice - Pineapple Juice - Grapefruit Juice - V8


Shot Gun Buffet Menu Also Includes: Home Fries - Toast - Butter - Jelly - Pastry - Milk - Coffee - Tea - Fresh Fruit


25-49 Persons 50-99 Persons 100 & Up



Chip Shot Buffet (Continental Breakfast)


Includes: Coffee - Tea - Orange Juice - Pastry - Fresh Fruit


25-49 Persons 50-99 Persons 100 & Up



The Old Fashion                                


Hamburgers - Cheeseburgers - Hot Dogs


Choice of One Soup: Bean - Chicken Noodle - Beef Vegetable - New England Clam Chowder


Choice of One Side: Cole Slaw - Potato Salad - Baked Beans - Macaroni Salad - Pasta Salad


Old Fashion Menu Includes: Chips, Pretzels, Sliced Tomatoes, Lettuce, Sliced & Chopped Onions, Sliced Cheese, Mustard, Ketchup, Relish, Rolls, Watermelon, Paper Products


                                        (Served for Three Hours)


25-49 Persons 50-99 Persons 100 & Up




Southern Style


Hamburgers - Cheeseburgers - Hot Dogs - Chicken (Choose Fried, BBQ or Baked)


Choice of One Salad: Cole Slaw - Pasta Salad - Macaroni Salad - Potato Salad - Tossed Green Salad


Southern Style Menu Includes: Corn on the Cob, Baked Beans, Chips, Pretzels, Sliced Tomatoes, Lettuce, Sliced & Chopped Onions, Sliced Cheese, Rolls, Mustard, Ketchup, Relish, Paper Products, Watermelon


                                            (Served for Three Hours)


25-49 Persons 50-99 Persons 100 & Up



Chicken Bar-B-Ques


One Half Barbequed Chicken


Chicken Bar-B-Que Menu Includes: Corn on the Cob, Baked Potato, Cole Slaw, Apple Sauce, Roll, Butter, Watermelon


25-49 Persons 50-99 Persons 100 & Up
$11.50 $10.50 $9.95



Texas Bar-B-Que


Barbequed Chicken - Barbequed Pork Ribs - Hamburgers

Cheeseburgers - Pork Barbeque


Choice of One Salad: Cole Slaw - Pasta Salad - Macaroni Salad - Potato Salad - Tossed Green Salad


Choice of One Side Dish: Chili or Baked Beans


Texas Bar-B-Que Menu Includes: Corn on the Cob, Sliced Tomato, Lettuce, Sliced Onions, Rolls, Butter, Mustard, Ketchup, Watermelon, Nachos w/Salsa, Paper Products


25-49 Persons 50-99 Persons 100 & Up



Steak Fry


Steak Served with Baked Potato, Corn on the Cob, Roll, Butter, Steak Sauce and Salad Bar


Salad Bar includes: Lettuce, Tomato, Onion, Celery, Carrots, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Green Peppers, Dressings


Choice of Dessert: Watermelon, Cake, Pie


Each Steak is Individually prepared on site to your taste. Served on Chinette with Stainless Flatware


(Note: We can serve on staggered times or just one eating time...)



New York Strip Market Prime Rib Market
Delmonico Market T-Bone Market
Fillet  Market

Grilled Sirloin


(Prices based on 50 Guests for less than 50, add $1.00 per guest)

Prices subject to change due to market conditions. Child pricing does not apply. Guaranteed pricing will be available two weeks prior to event.


Please call (570) 385-3578 to make reservations

Monday thru Friday 9:30 to 4:30 - Leave a message anytime! 


Page Updated  07/10/24 ©2009 hesscatering.com

Question or comments about website direct to webmaster@hesscatering.com